Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bowl-O-Bama...A chance to knock his teeth out

Wanna knock his teeth out? A bowling alley in Clearwater , Florida , Bowl-O-Bama,
is doing record business despite a bad economy.

The alley also reported a record number of 300 games.

Since opening in November 2010, 963 Patrons have bowled a Perfect Game,
including strikes in the warm-up frames.

This alley also has the highest bowling league average in the country, with a 237.

And that's the Senior League.  Ya gotta love those seniors!


kornkountrytreasures said...

OMG!! Hilarious!! That is great!! Someone who CAN make money directly due to the President!! He should put THIS in his commercials!!

chateycathey said...

LMAO Judy you crack me up lol. Did you by chance hear that the Electorial collage has picked the winning president every year since 1980 and they came out today and said they believe it will be Mitt Romney who will win the election. Whooooooo Hooooooo Sure hope they are right.