No matter how long and treacherous your life's journey may seem.....Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
On a lighter note, I am a senior citizen that likes t-shirts with sayings on them. I just found some I have not seen before....check them out...ya think any of them would be good for me?
(I think she's cute!)
I hate when that happens
WOW, guess I wouldn't smile either!
Hey, gals, we aren't the only ones with pieces and parts heading south
Alright, I'll quit...BTW, you may or may not know I have a large collection of Advertising, Casino, Vintage Ashtrays that I have listed at my store at...Supergrannys Treasures. I have many boxes that are not listed. I frequently visit other sites to check on ashtrays. I have to say ebay is getting some action and the prices are good...many are selling much higher than what I have them listed at on I almost always shop for the best price...but these buyers just see it and bid on it! Guess I could sell them on ebay, but their fee schedule is getting truly gruesome and this ole filly can't afford the fees. If you can find it at OnlineAuction, it is generally a bargain...I know mine are. Take a gander and browse around... Supergrannys Treasures.
Keep a cool head and try not to hemorrhage through your eye sockets when you read or hear the news...