I love this story about using your shotgun without touching it....it will work great for me because I DO have a wheelchair...read on....
I swung my front door open and placed my Remington 870 shotgun on the
front porch. I gave it 6 shells, and noticing that it had no legs, I
decided to place it in a wheelchair to help it get around.
Then I
left it alone and went about my business. While I was gone, the mailman
delivered my mail, the boy across the street plowed my snow, a girl
walked her dog down the street, And quite a few cars stopped at the stop
sign in front of my house.
After about 2 hours, I checked on the gun. And it was still sitting
there in the wheelchair, right where I left it. It had not rolled itself
outside and It had not killed anyone in spite of the many
Well you can imagine how surprised I
was with all the media hype about how dangerous guns are and how they
kill people. So either the media is wrong, and it is the misuse of guns
by people or I'm in possession of the laziest Gun in the world.
So now I'm off to check on my spoons, because I hear they make people fat.
Umm, I wonder if I can find one sticking in something sumptuous and gooey... :) spoon, that is...
Check out a boutique showing you dozens of collectible tobacciana ashtrays and other items....you will find it at Supergrannys Treasures
It is open 24/7 and can be shopped and browsed any time....have fun........