Saturday, November 26, 2011

Did You Do Any Black Friday Shopping?

Who went Black Friday shopping this morning? What bargains did you find?

I was as full as a tick on Aunt Leona the day after Thanksgiving...... and Mabel shoulda stayed home....lookit this sight for sore eyes...sure hope nobody tries to pull that thing straight back and it gets away from them, ole Mabel will whizzzz clean across the store

Then I saw a picture of this other 65 yr old guy in the paper this morning that left home to go get in line for  LAST years Black Friday Sale..evidently he  indured some prety severe conditions..lookitimnow...poor thing..not much left.

Now thats why it was just as well that I couldn't roll out of my bed this morning.  It's at times like this that everyone needs an XXXXL  shirt or sweaterr to put on when you need to wear your comfortable leggings with the VERY elastiic waist.  Just big long and oh so comfortable....nobody need know you had a weak moment of gluttony.  Take this one as an example....its big and beautiful...CLICK HERE to see this beauty


CLICK HERE to View This Item offered by plusizeglamor

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a shopper at all. Really am enjoying your blog. Judy Judy Judy. Got to Love YOU