Friday, June 18, 2010

Oil Rig Explosion...What Do We Do Now?

You may have noticed...I've been out of the loop...truth be told..I've been hiding under my 'rock'.

So many things are going on I just became overwhelmed with it all...but have discovered I cannot escape!

When I read the newspaper this morning and saw this cartoon - I knew I had to share it with anyone that still may be lurking out there. Check it out, I'd like to know what you think.....


Does that make sense? What a horrible tragedy - we don't need an additional layer of tragedy.

have a great day


CurioCache said...

Insightful, as always!

MetzyMom said...

You've been missed!

Fuzzy Slippers said...

I hope you're doing well. Just want you to know that you are missed. :D

Anonymous said...

Dear Supergranny,

I just have a quick question for you but couldn't find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger on senior issues. Please email me back at when you get a chance. Thanks.
