Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chicago Rules

It matters not which political party affiliation you profess to be a part of
but if either side is insistant on telling 'Big Windy Stories' they should
be called out for them. 

As we get closer and closer to the 2012 election, it's
important to remember The Rules we play by. The
Rules are taken from the Chicago playbook of rules
where they are simply known as... Chicago Rules.
Chicago Rules are illustrated by the six photographs

Rod Blagojevich is the former Illinois Governor who tried to sell
Obama's seat in Congress.

Obama was asked by the press if he had ever met Gov. Rod
Blagojevich. He replied: "I only saw Rod Blagojevich one time
... And that was in the stands and from a distance at a Chicago
Bears Football Game."
Of course, you can believe him - he's our President

The picture below? That's irrelevant.

Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama, and Richard Daley during a rally
in Chicago , April 16, 2007. (Photo: Reuters) Note: Rahm
Emanual has replaced Daley as Mayor! And Daley's brother has
replaced Rahm as a chief adviser to the president. But you don't
need to know all this.
Rham, the new Mayor of Chicago

You have to understand "the world according to Chicago."
Chicago is almost a completely different country when it comes to
politics. Chicago even has a different set of morals and language.
There are three rules and a Prime Directive.
RULE #1. No matter what you see, hear, or do -- you don't know
anybody & you know nothing!
RULE #2. If you capture something on tape or camera -- it
reveals nothing!
RULE #3. If you know what everybody else in Chicago knows --
you still know nothing.

The PRIME DIRECTIVE ...No matter what the vote,
Democrats win the election.

Now pay close attention!

It's very simple. Remember, you know nothing.

These two? They never met! Obama said they didn't..

These two? Who are they?

The guy on the left? He's Santa Claus. And the guy on the
right.... he's the Easter Bunny! That's all you need to know.

These two? Don't ask.

Remember Jimmy Hoffa? He knew too much. Where is he now?
Don't ask.

Do you understand? Don't look at these pictures! Remember,
you've already forgotten them.....

Do you understand? They don't know each other and they never
How is that possible? BECAUSE OBAMA SAID SO!
And - don't - you - fergit - it! as a wise old
Cartoon Character used to say!

(By the way... how's that "Hope and Change" working out for


Fleapirates said...

Welcome to Illinois politics!

In the past 100 years, we've had 6 governors charged with crimes during or after their governorships. Four were convicted and two were acquitted.

I'll bet Obama didn't know ANY of 'em! ;)

Supergranny said...

I did not know that factoid. Interesting, for sure.

Aesthetics48 said...

Chicago machine politics has been going on since before the mob!! It's just a damn shame it moved to DC. And our elected as*hol*s don't want to seem to change a thing!!! Very scary is all I can say.

chateycathey said...

Well, I never fell for the "change" crap from the get go...mainly becuase I could not find anything on the internet that led me to believe in the person offering the "change". I just want to let all the people who did fall for it know "It sure ain't working out for me" People should do their research before they vote!!!